A relatively new method of stimulation, laser acupuncture uses low-energy laserbeams—instead of traditional acupuncture needles—to influence acupuncturepoints. The healing power of lasers was discovered over 40 years ago. Lasers are being used to accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and reduce pain.
- Helps promote blood flow
- Aids in releasing your body’s natural painkillers known as neurotransmitters and endorphins
- Arouses and releases serotonin that has antidepressant properties released in your brain
- Produces nerve fiber, that sends nerve impulses to the spinal cord
- Helps release ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) that helps activate the adrenal gland and releases Cortisol into your bloodstream. This is a natural steroid substance with anti-inflammatory properties
- Assists in reducing inflammation, stress, and relaxes your muscles while restoring the homeostasis in your body